Getting the answer to just one question will set you in motion to get you to where you want to be. Let me answer your biggest website, small business, or marketing question.
Frank Deardurff III – AKA “That One Web Guy” – is an online Marketing Webmaster for 20+ years. Being an entrepreneur, author, graphic artist, web developer and network consultant for several decades, he is able to handle just about anything related to online marketing.
Frank has created 100’s of websites for himself not to mention the countless many websites he’s either created or fixed over the past two decades. You can find out more about Frank Deardurff on his website.
From time to time I get questions that people ask me that I feel others will find useful. Many times in the process of working on a project, I myself, run into a challenge that I have to find the answer for. If it’s something I think others can use I share a video of how I solved that issue. Also, I’ve started creating reviews of products I use or find useful for my members. Below are a few examples from my YouTube channel.
For many reasons it is important to secure your website with an SSL certificate. In this video I share the steps necessary to accomplish that task.
Search engines are looking at site speed when considering ranking. How does yours measure up? In this video I share tips on how to speed up your website.
This is an app I found useful when reading or listening to blog posts. This app allows you to save a post for later and even has an option to read it to you. Pretty Handy!
NOTE: Name and email are optional. Enter your question in the space provided below and click the button that is labeled “Submit my challenge”. These questions I use to write blog posts for my website or create additional videos for my YouTube Channel. Thank you in advance for contributing your question.